The Artisan Group is proud to announce this week’s Artist Spotlight feature is one of our talented charter members, Sharlene Maher!
{etsy shoppe}
We caught up with Sharlene and asked her a few questions about her handmade flower jewelry shoppe and her experiences so far working with TAG. Here’s what she said:
- Tell us a little bit about your shoppe. I absolutely love flowers (but I guess that’s obvious!) They are so meaningful, colorful, pretty and a passion of mine to emulate. I remember first sculpting a flower. I was trying micro-macrame jewelry and wanted little flower beads but couldn’t find what I had pictured in my head. And any hobbiest/crafter out there knows those words “why don’t I just try to make it myself”. And that’s where my flower sculpting started Through the trials and errors, I became very focused and gradually developed my style. Now I spend a lot of time updating my shop and expanding my collection to offer more to my customers. I think it’s very important to keep fresh items in my shop. I approach my business as I would if I had a Brick & Mortar shop. If customers kept visiting and the same items were on the shelves, eventually they’d move on, so it’s important to me that when they re-visit, there’s new products they can browse. My creative juices are usually running and even though I have those days where it’s blocked, I pause, and then something bigger and better comes to mind and its back to the work table. I’ve learned a lot over the years; don’t to panic when having a creative block because it’s necessary to gain a fresh approach and don’t panic when sales slow down because in retail it’s normal. I utilize the downtime for new designs, re-organizing, taking new photos and evaluating low purchasing items and seeing what I can do to re-vamp them. Since my flowers are handmade and the colors are customized, it allows me to offer an unlimited line of items for customers to choose from or request. Many of them buy my products because they say it’s their favorite flower, reminds them of a memory, or it’s a gift for a loved one who loves that particular flower. One of my favorites is creating for a wedding. I love the idea that my product is being chosen for such a special day and will be a keepsake with other bridal items. That means a lot to me and something I think about while making it.
- What is your favorite product in your shoppe and why? Right now, my favorites are my Dahlia Rings. I love the process of making them. It’s like working on a puzzle and each piece I add, I see it come together and once complete it’s like “Ahhh! (I don’t have any words except that feeling). I love many flowers but Dahlias really make a statement and I wanted these rings to do just that. Big, bold, feminine, powerful and colorful!
- When you’re not designing products for your shoppe, what are your hobbies? I really enjoy making flower arrangements and that’s something I’d love to explore more. I have so many that I’ve run out of areas to put them! I also like working on my container garden on my balcony and coming up with new décor in my place. Sometimes I sew but I keep that hobby simple (like my laptop bag). I’d like to try chocolate making but that might not be a good idea because I’d just wind up taste-testing the whole batch! I am a chocolate and caffeine addict oh and also love seeking out dark beers. The darkest I can find. Is that considered a hobby? Because it’s fun!
- What do you like best about The Artisan Group? I absolutely love the positive energy from everyone. It’s important to surround yourself with the kind of energy you want to exude yourself and they are a great example. All of the members have a common interest and are there to share ideas and help one another. If I ask for advice I always get a response. In fact, I receive many responses. It is a very supportive group and it shows. The Artisan Group wants artists’ talents to be recognized and they go above and beyond to achieve it.
Love Sharlene’s stuff so much! What a great feature!
Great interview Sharlene! I love your Dahlia Rings too! 😀
Great feature! Love learning more about TAG artisans. 🙂
Congrats! I love your items!
It would be so extremely difficult to choose any one item. They are all so gorgeous.
Beautiful work, Sharlene! Love your passion.